
Travel, immigration and insurance tests

Travel, immigration and insurance tests

Travel medicine checks

Laboratory testing is sometimes recommended before travelling overseas.

Your travel doctor will tell you what testing you need.

Check with your doctor if the laboratory test charges are included in the doctor’s consultation or paid separately.

Immigration and visa medical testing

We provide all immigration testing (and we certify immigration documentation) as required by the Department of Internal Affairs.  For test requirements and test charges click here.

Testing for immigration or visa purposes is done at our collection rooms with payment facilities.

Insurance tests

We help insurance companies assess the health of people applying for insurance.

Common tests include:

  • Hepatitis A, B, and C
  • HIV
  • Liver, Renal function and Glucose
  • Lipids — Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL
  • Urine microscopy, culture, and sensitivity

Other tests are available on request. All tests are treated in the strictest confidence.